Planned Giving
They're more than life-stirring performances. They'll be your legacy if you will it. Share your cultural passion with future generations.
We would be honored.
Become one of the founding members of Bravo! and join a select group of visionaries whose passion for and commitment to the arts will enrich the lives of future generations.
Legal Name and Tax ID
Virginia Arts Festival’s legal name is Virginia Arts Festival, Inc. We are located at 440 Bank Street, Norfolk, VA 23510.
Virginia Arts Festival's tax identification number is 54-1786140.
Virginia Arts Festival is a tax-exempt organization under section 501 (C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
If you have already made arrangements to support Virginia Arts Festival through Planned Giving or have any questions regarding leaving your legacy, please contact Annie Filer Vogt at 757.282.2807 or
Unrestricted Bequest Sample Verbiage
You may specify that your gift be used for general purposes of the organization which provides Virginia Arts Festival with the most flexibility. Simply have your attorney insert the following language:
"I give, devise, and bequeath (insert dollar amount or percentage of estate, Life Insurance or IRA) to Virginia Arts Festival, Inc. located at 440 Bank Street, Norfolk, Virginia, to foster the growth, progress, and general welfare of Virginia Arts Festival as the Board of Trustees may direct."